Creating Harmony for Joyful Living 360 - is an engaging, entertaining, and enlightening proprietary Self-Mastery and Empowerment Workshop.
The fun Self-Care workshop is designed to transform and nourish Your Heart, Mind, Body & Spirit to happily live and perform in your Genius Zone!
Who Are We? Why Are We Here? What Is Our Purpose?
We are born with a unique fingerprint of Divineness. Our given instinctive traits, fears, passions, and desires reflect our authentic Genius Self.
As we go through life experiencing a series of challenges and rewards, the resulting awakenings move us even further along the path of who we are.
Once we acknowledge that our true nature is more than a few personality traits, interests, and experiences, we are ready to live with the synergy of oneness with our highest self.
We now find ourselves on the cusp of an Ending and a New Beginning!
“Joyful Living 360” is a transformative realization of our immense potential in each moment of our life.
You Learn How to:
Who Should Attend? - Do You Resonate with Any of the Following?
You will benefit from this self-paced instruction and will experience your highest self - “Living and Performing in Your Genius Zone” regardless of where you are in your life’s journey!
Dallas, TexasSend us an email
[email protected]Please Fill Out The Form Below with Your Inquiry. Thanks!
From My Mama's Kitchen® Organization